CONGRATULATIONS to National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) CIO Jill T. Singer for being selected as one of the 10 winners of the first annual CloudNOW awards presented at the Cloud Connect Conference in Sata Clara, California earlier this week.

"Considered one of the top women leaders in Federal IT, Ms. Singer was recognized for her innovative and inspirational leadership in the area of Cloud Computing. She is known not only for her presentations and writings on technologies and business changes needed for technological success, but her ability to mentor and grow the next generation of IT leaders to deliver long-term, sustained success."
Over the years I have personally admired Ms. Singer for her GovCloud leadership. This admiration comes from having the pleasure to work directly with her on "the QUAD" and the subsequent Intelligence Community Common Operating Environment (IC COE). Her ability to understand and communicate the complexities and value of cloud computing have been crucial to the Intelligence Communities adoption of this exciting operational and economic model.
Ms. Singer said upon receiving the award,“I am deeply honored to be recognized by CloudNOW with this leadership award. Having been in the IT field for many years, I believe the cloud computing chapter in the industry is an exciting one and I am proud to be a part of it.”
The other CloudNOW Top Women in Cloud Awardees were::
•Padmasree Warrior, CTO, Cisco
•Lauren States, CTO of Cloud Computing, IBM
•Vanessa Alvarez, Analyst, Infrastructure and Operations, Forrester Research
•Jamie Dos Santos, President of Terremark, a Verizon company
•Becky Swain, Founder of the Cloud Security Alliance
•Lori MacVittie, Senior Technical Analyst, F5 Networks
•Ellen Rubin, Founder of CloudSwitch, Terremark, a Verizon company
•Dawn Leaf, Senior Executive for Cloud Computing, NIST
•Jamie Erbes, Cloud Labs Director, HP Fellow, HP
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